Thursday, 26 September 2019 -
Monday, 23 September 2019
Tuesday, 24 September 2019
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
Thursday, 26 September 2019
A Slice of Time
Daniel Shaw
A Slice of Time
Daniel Shaw
19:05 - 19:25
Room: Conference Room 1
(A Raspberry Pi Stratum-1 NTP Build) Why build a such a thing? Mostly, because I can. I mean, who wouldn't want to have a mini Linux server that includes it's own GPS and produces super-accurate time? Well, probably a lot of folks, but I'm not one of them. This talk will run through a recent re-build of a Stratum-1 NTP system on an old Raspberry Pi 1B. This will be largely focused on the practical steps of this build, the choices made along the way and technologies, tools and code used. Areas that we'll touch on are NTP generally (doh!), small Linux distros, ARM and IoT, cross-compiling (using docker, on a Mac), Raspberry Pi hardware (and GPS add-ons), and even a tiny touch of case modification.
RPKI and its current state in ZA
Edrich de Lange
RPKI and its current state in ZA
Edrich de Lange
19:35 - 19:55
Room: Conference Room 1
RPKI is hot on everyone's lips at the moment. Sometimes for the right and wrong reasons. In this talk Edrich will give a briekf overview of what is happening w.r.t RPKI in South Africa presently.