12–14 Mar 2024
Lord Charles Hotel
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Access and Transport Technologies

Not scheduled
+27.218797000 (Lord Charles Hotel)


Lord Charles Hotel

Corner Main Road (M9) & Broadway Boulevard, R44, Somerset West, Cape Town, 7130
Regulatory Plenary


Mr Justin Colyn (Reliaconnect / COMSOL)


Justin would like to present a perspective that emphasizes awareness and education regarding the various last-mile technologies and their critical importance in shaping the success of your business. In our rapidly evolving digital landscape, it's crucial to choose the right last-mile technologies that align with your unique business needs.

Our mission is to reintroduce simplicity, openness, visibility, and transparency to the networking and Internet Service Provider (ISP) industry. We believe that customers should receive solutions that truly meet their requirements, rather than being pushed into purchases by salespeople.

Furthermore, in the pursuit of enhancing your business's resilience and redundancy, we advocate for the utilization of alternative last-mile technologies. By collaborating with diverse service providers and transport providers, you can fortify your cloud-dependent operations, ensuring that your business remains robust and resilient, even in the face of unforeseen challenges.

At the heart of this shift is the ReliaConnect solution, which aims to revolutionize the narrative surrounding traditional ISP solutions. Our approach challenges the status quo by breaking away from bundled services and encouraging engagement with a variety of service providers. This strategy keeps all stakeholders on their toes and prevents businesses from becoming locked into restrictive end-to-end ecosystems. Instead, it allows for flexibility and adaptability, enabling you to change components as needed.

Primary author

Mr Justin Colyn (Reliaconnect / COMSOL)

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