12–14 Mar 2024
Lord Charles Hotel
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

DDoS Threat Intelligence Report - 2023H1

Not scheduled
+27.218797000 (Lord Charles Hotel)


Lord Charles Hotel

Corner Main Road (M9) & Broadway Boulevard, R44, Somerset West, Cape Town, 7130
Technical Plenary


Mr Mark Campbell (Netscout|Arbor)


Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) continue to plague the internet and is ever evolving. This presentations aims to highlight the following Key Findings:
- Internet Traffic Growth & Visibility Accelerating
- The Power of Persistence
- DDoS Attack Infrastructure Telemetry
- Adversary Discovery Lifecycle
- Carpet-Bombing & DNS Water Torture Attacks Increase Pace
- World Events Fuel DDoS Attack Campaigns

Primary author

Mr Mark Campbell (Netscout|Arbor)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.