12–14 Mar 2024
Lord Charles Hotel
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Coherent optical transceivers - current capabilities and future possibilities

Not scheduled
+27.218797000 (Lord Charles Hotel)


Lord Charles Hotel

Corner Main Road (M9) & Broadway Boulevard, R44, Somerset West, Cape Town, 7130
Technical Plenary


Thomas Weible


With the speed of 400G coherent technology was introduced to pluggable optical transceivers (OIF 400ZR and OpenZR+). This technology is complex and powerful for your network, it even has influence on your network device operating system.
This talk will provide first insight in Nokia's implementation as well as known or potential interoperability issues addressed by the OIForum. If your transport system, router or even switch already provides coherent pluggable transceivers check the available interface parameters. You can send me these CLI outputs / management software screenshots to thomas.weible@flexoptix.net. I will try to include it into the presentation.
And finally new formfactors for 800G and 1,6T will be part of the game as well. Stay tuned....

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